

Elements was formed in 1991, originally running a range of programmes around leadership, management and team development along with other specialised related programmes such as 360 degree feedback, observation and feedback skills and internal consultancy training.

In 1994 Elements changed to focus solely on facilitator development training. This happened following a client's request and the realisation that our very particular skills enabled us to develop others' skills in working with groups in organisations.

Elements does not use any associates, all the work is now done by Nick Eve, the work is congruent with the principles being developed with participants. Openness, explicitness and integrity are all a central part of this. I take great pride in the work I do.

Based in the West Midlands/Welsh borders area, Elements runs courses all around the UK and abroad.

The Facilitator’s Development Programme has grown out of all this experience and learning. It has been running highly successfully since 1994, in a continuously evolving form.

Over the years Elements has been a partnership of various people including Nick Eve, Rowena Chapman, Clive Oxford, Adrian Wilcox, Sheila Ashley and Susanna Piohtee. Rowena is now at Birkbeck College, Adrian is now a senior manager with MIND, Susanna is now working back within an organisation and Clive and Sheila are now concentrating on their clinical work. Currently Nick Eve is running Elements on his own.


I specialise in developing people's facilitation skills. My work is all about developing people's ability to run groups professionally and effectively.

I have been doing this since 1994. Before that I worked as a facilitator in organisational development. My fascination with groups and the role of the facilitator in enhancing their effectiveness has grown out of my own experiences, both with organisations and also from my group psychotherapy background.

I focus primarily on the practice and skills of working with groups and underpin this with enough relevant theory so that you understand why you do what you do and where the theory comes from. This means that on my courses you will get a lot of practice complemented by input and applied theory. Overall my aim is to increase your awareness of what you are doing, the effect it is having, what is going on in the group and how these dimensions interact with each other.

I have been involved in management development, consultancy and mentoring for over 35 years and underpinning this I also have a strong background in group psychology. I started working with the Leadership Trust around 1985 and then became a freelance facilitator with a wide range of management development organisations. At this time, in parallel to my work, I undertook both a group psychotherapy training and a training in groupwork. I was working both with organisations and private developmental groups at this time.

My main expertise is in the provision of training to develop people’s facilitation skills and their facilitative management styles. My overriding interest is in groups, how they operate and the role that a positive, supportive and impartial facilitator can have on improving their effectiveness in both the long and short term.

I have extensive training and experience as a group process facilitator. This ensures that my work is well founded theoretically and my ability to explain the core processes to participants from a wide range of backgrounds is superb (and I enjoy the work tremendously and am continually learning more).

NICK EVE - course facilitator

the business of human relationships
a four day masterclass in

I have retired. I am leaving the website up as a resource until the end of 2022.