

6. Inputs

The course facilitator will give various inputs during the programme to explain the background theory and models that underpin the values, skills and understanding of facilitation.

These will happen at the start of the course, whenever they are appropriate to participants’ learning and especially during feedback after each practice.

7. Exercises

A range of exercises will be used to support the development and practice of the key facilitation skills including making interventions and managing structures.

8. Project work – between the modules

On the in-house course participants will undertake project work to integrate their learning from the first module into their working lives and to bring questions and clarification back to the start of the second module.

9. The final session of the course

This session reviews all the learning during the course and allows participants to complete their learning diaries. Action planning and future support are explored. Both individual learning objectives and the course objectives are revisited and evaluated.

10. Post course follow up

There is the option of a post-course follow-up day to support participants’ development as facilitators and their post-course experiences of facilitation back in the work environment.

11. Course manual

Each participant will receive a comprehensive course manual which covers all aspects of the course and provides additional material which opens the way to further learning. It also includes a bibliography for further reading and study.

12. Further reading and study

By the end of the programme participants will have a clear direction for developing their facilitation skills further.

1. Pre-course work

A month prior to the first module each participant will receive a pack containing; a copy of the course objectives, a timetable and the pre-course work.

The pre-course work will consist of a series of questions for the participant to think about. These will focus them on; their current thinking around facilitation, their understanding of the relevant skills, their learning opportunities and their personal style of facilitating.

It will also list four books which provide a useful introduction to the current thinking around facilitation.

2. Lots of practice

The overriding experience for participants is of taking part in practices, each practice being followed by both giving and receiving feedback.

This process allows participants to sit in the facilitator’s seat and experience the reality of facilitation, to try out new ways of facilitating and to receive detailed feedback from both the other course participants and the course facilitator.

In addition participants will also learn significantly about the reality of participation and what actually makes a difference, from their experiences of being a course and practice-group member.

3. Feedback

The whole process will be part of the learning, covering observation, reflection and giving feedback. Feedback for participants will be both spoken and written (so that they can reflect on it in detail later).

4. Coaching at the developing edge

Individual coaching by the course facilitator at the place where each participant’s learning is most relevant.

5. Applied theory

The main theories around group process will be identified during the course and particularly after each facilitation practice, examples will be highlighted from what has happened during the practices.

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I have retired. I am leaving the website up as a resource until the end of 2022.